What Is Carbon Neutrality and Why Does It Matter?

Evergreen 🌳
3 min readJan 13, 2021

In early 2020, the United Nations (UN) published the State of the Global Climate in 2019. It warned that nations across the globe were “way off track meeting either the 1.5°C or 2°C targets that the Paris Agreement calls for.”

According to environmental experts, in order to stop or slow climate change, people and companies need to focus on attaining carbon neutrality now.

Your Guide To Achieving Carbon Neutrality

What Is Carbon Neutrality?

Carbon emissions refer to the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) that is released into the atmosphere. When CO2 isn’t naturally offset by carbon-absorbing trees and wildlife, it absorbs radiation and prevents heat from escaping our atmosphere, causing global warming.

But climate experts have identified carbon neutrality as an effective way for people and companies to mitigate their negative effect on the environment.

Carbon neutrality is a two-fold process. First, you must take steps to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as you can. Then, you can offset any remaining emissions by funding projects to balance out carbon emissions. By investing in projects like planting trees or advancing renewable energy, you can offset your remaining carbon emissions.

Why Is It Important?

Climate experts agree that we need to peak global carbon emissions by 2020. After that, we need to be entirely carbon neutral by 2050 if we hope to prevent devastating climate change. If not, sea levels will rise, forest fires will spread, and the earth will become nearly uninhabitable.

Luckily, people and companies can take steps right now to become carbon neutral.

How Can My Company Become Carbon Neutral?

Measure Your Emissions

If you want to become carbon neutral, the first thing you need to do is accurately measure how much carbon your company produces. If you make physical products, you’ll need to examine your supply chain, manufacturing process, packaging, materials, etc. If you provide a service, your carbon emissions will generally be from your office’s energy use and employees’ commute.

Reduce Emissions

After you identify how much carbon your company produces, you must take actionable steps to reduce emissions. Consider using recycled materials in your product or allowing your team members to work from home some days of the week. You can also invest in renewable energy sources for your office and factory.

Offset Emissions

Once you reduce your carbon emissions as much as possible, you can offset the remaining emissions by investing in projects that naturally balance out CO2 levels. This includes tree-planting initiatives, renewable energy projects, and conservation efforts.

Spread the Good Word

If society is to meet the UN Climate Report’s goal of being carbon neutral by 2050, we all need to make some changes. By letting your customers and other companies know about your efforts to achieve neutrality, you can help others join the fight against climate change.

Want to do your part in reaching carbon neutrality? Try the Evergreen Slack App!

For every recognition you send to a team member we’ll plant 1–3 trees that will grow to offset carbon emissions. You can also track your annual carbon offset from the app. Try the free trial today!

Teemu Puuska



Evergreen 🌳

Recognise good work in your team while doing good for the planet. https://evergreen.so